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Friday, April 20, 2012

Belly Bands - The Ultimate Clothing Accessory For Tall Women

Belly bands are the perfect clothing solution for tall women. Why? Because they offer lower waist coverage for your long torso, regardless of the length of your shirt or the rise of your jeans. These waist bands are an essential piece of your wardrobe and, arguably, the best clothing accessory you will ever own.

What exactly are these bands for your belly? They are stylish, stretchy bands of fabric that are worn around the waist...under your shirt and over your jeans or pants. Used for layering clothing, waist bands cover the midsection that's often exposed on long torso women. They allow you to wear tops that were once too short and low-rise jeans that were once too low. These layering bands are versatile and the length can easily be adjusted to suit your style. The soft, spandex-blend fabric is super comfortable, and because it's seamless, you can fold the band over once or twice if you prefer without noticeable stitching. Also, with no straps, it won't ride up like the typical tank top or undershirt.


Here are some common fashion dilemmas the belly band helps solve:
Covers long torso waists Stays put where you want and need it Creates a trendy layered look without adding bulk Is more comfortable than undershirts with tugging straps Hides a muffin top Smooths out your midsection Keeps underwear from making an appearance with low-rise jeans
What are your options? This fashionable clothing accessory can be found in many of your basic colors, which makes mixing and matching easy. Get yourself several to create a number of different outfits. Some belly bands even come in chic patterns for a unique look. You will, also, find several options with a pretty lace trim. Two product lines to check out are Blush and Hip-T. The Bella Band by Ingrid & Isabel is another option and can be found at many online stores and in some department stores. While it's more commonly known as a maternity accessory, the Bella Band still serves the purpose of keeping a long torso covered even if you're not pregnant.

Belly Bands - The Ultimate Clothing Accessory For Tall Women

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Conversion Van Camping Tips

Conversion van camping doesn't give you the luxury of life in an RV, nor the discomfort of sleeping in a tent. It can be tough to safely heat a van at night, but it's cheap compared to an RV, and you can go places they cannot. We spent more than 25 nights sleeping in our conversion van last year.

Life In A Conversion Van


Make your van into something that's useable for you, especially if it's going to be your residence for days or weeks at a time. For my wife and I, this meant having space to move around. We took out the two middle seats which, I convinced Ana, would be good armchairs for the living room. Then we had enough space for dressing or cooking. The bench-seat in back folds out into a comfortable bed, so we were all set for camping.

When traveling, you need a system of organization to keep your space inside the van livable. After our first long trip, we noticed the many things we never used. We got more efficient after that. We're also able to keep the space open, despite carrying many things, by using plastic storage tubs you can buy almost anywhere. They stack well, and if you need more room at night, you can put them on the roof. They're rainproof with the lids snapped on.

Heating A Conversion Van

Camping in a van can be cold at times, as it was for us in the deserts of Arizona last winter. We started the van and cranked up the heater once in a while, but only for brief periods. The danger of carbon monoxide poisoning is just too great to leave the car running while you are sleeping.

We also cooked to heat up the van. Our propane camp stove burned very clean. Any time it was cold, it was time to cook dinner, breakfast, or tea. This heated up the van nicely. Again, because of carbon monoxide, I wouldn't recommend ever sleeping with a propane burner going. Still, sometimes a quick warm-up is all you need before you crawl under the blankets for the night.

The secret to heating a conversion van when camping is to give up. Enjoy meal time warm-ups, but unless you have electric power, I don't know of a safe way to heat a van all night. Instead, you can heat yourselves. Wear warm clothing. Bring more blankets than you think you'll need. Prepare a thermos bottle full of hot coffee each night, so it will be waitng for you in the morning. You get to warm the van when you make it, and warm up yourselves drinking it for breakfast.

Advantages Of Conversion Van Camping

Traveling and camping in a conversion van costs less than in an RV. The initial cost is a lot less if you buy used, as we did, and the cost of driving it is substantialy less. We averaged 18 miles per gallon on our last cross-country trip. Most recreational vehicles are lucky to get half of that, and they're very expensive to maintain.

Compared with tent camping, a van is much more comfortable. Even if you backpack, you are probably going to drive some kind of car to wherever you go. With a van, you can come inside if it starts to rain. If you're backpacking a long way from home, you can save on motels on the drive to and from the trailhead.

Camping can be more comfortable in an RV, but not in all ways. It's nice, for example, to park anywhere. We've taken naps in parking lots, and nobody was the wiser, thanks to tinted windows, curtains, and the inconspicuousness of a van. At a free campground in Florida we got the best spot, on a bank overlooking Lake Talquin, because our van was small enough to fit there, unlike most of the RVs.

It's great to be able to drive anywhere. In the conversion van, camping wherever we are when it gets dark is no problem. Finally, some larger RVs drag a car around because the big rig just isn't practical for daily driving. Our coversion van is a second home AND our primary vehicle for shopping or going to work. That's flexibilty.

Conversion Van Camping Tips

Monday, April 16, 2012

Developing Your 90-Day Action Plan

Almost every book I've ever read relating to business, success, and management discussed the idea of goal setting. For those that have been the most successful, goal setting seems to be one of the common attributes. Whether you are going towards a business, personal or professional objective, setting a goal is a great first step. But setting goals for some is a difficult challenge. And setting a goal without actionable, measurable steps won't get you very far.

While I do a lot of work with small business owners and up-starts around business development and planning, often times a simple tool like an Action Plan is what's most needed to jumpstart the business and move things forward. While business plans are much needed documents that provide a clear view of your vision, mission, and financial projections, an Action Plan is that document that gives you the daily, weekly and monthly what-to-do short-term tasks that will help you complete your overall goals.


An action plans employs exactly what it says, Action. So much for sitting around thinking and dreaming about what you want to do, 'Lose 10 pounds, start a business, change jobs, etc., an action plan actually provides those step by step strategies for getting from point A to point B.

Let me give you two examples of how an Action Plan can move you forward. Here's an example of a professional goal:

In 2001, I published my book Sipping Tea and Doing Business: A Holistic Journey to Business Success. The book, which I co-authored with a colleague, took 3 months to write. Many people ask me how we were able to write a book in 3 months. Well, I'll tell you: with very little sleep (smile), a lot of motivation, and yes, an action plan. Writing and self-publishing a book is a lot of work which takes a good bit of dedication, but because we had really clear direction in terms of what needed to be done, when it needed to be done, how it needed to be done, and by whom, we were able to successfully accomplish our mission of completing our book.

Putting things into action is a challenge for many people. I know this because people will say to me; I've always wanted to write a book, and then precede to question me regarding how I got started, what it takes, etc.. My short answer, "The only difference between you and me is that I did it". I hope that doesn't sound short, but it's the truth. There is no secret formula to doing what you want to do, it's just a matter of doing it, taking some risks, disciplining yourself and moving forward everyday. You don't have to take quantum leaps, just take some baby steps: draft an outline, write a paragraph, research publishers, and so on. You see what I mean? It's not really that difficult, it's just a matter of making it happen. And that's what an Action Plan does. It helps you make things happen.

Here's an example of a personal goal:

In 2003, I ran my first marathon. I had never been a runner. In fact I didn't like running at all. My brother challenged me to join him in a running class he took at the gym. I did it, but hated every minute of it. No more than 3 months later I had decided to run a marathon. Needless to say my brother couldn't believe it, "What!?", he exclaimed and then being the supportive sibling that he is, he told me he would buy my first pair of running shoes. (Side note: When you decide to move forward, take a risk and do something different, you'll find all types of support along the way.)

In order to run a marathon, I had to put a plan together. The first shift I made was a mental one. I had to change my mind about running and how I saw myself in that light. I had to proclaim myself as a runner. But that's not all. I had to ask some questions like: How do I successfully complete this marathon? What do I need to accomplish this goal? Who can assist me along the way? Running the marathon in and of itself was the goal, but the overall objective was to reach a maximum fitness level. The action and strategy for accomplishing the two was much more detailed. Since I had never run a marathon before there was a lot of preparation. There are things you must have to run a marathon, much more than I was aware of at the time. For example: practice and training (pretty obvious), special shoes and clothing, modified diet, inspiration and motivation (you better believe it).

With all this in mind, I developed a strategy. In this particular situation I had a lot of help. I was running with the American Stroke Association, which provided guidance, training, and direction. Part of my Action Plan was to participate in the weekly group runs. In addition to that, I found a running buddy that I ran with during the week. I also had to raise money because I was running for a cause. So sending out letters and developing fundraising ideas were all a part of the strategy.

On a cold Thanksgiving morning in 2003, I headed out to run my marathon. I could have done a lot of other things that day, but this was it, the moment of truth. I had done something I had never done before, mainly because I implemented a plan of action.

There are some things you're trying to achieve in your business and your life and perhaps you're not getting anywhere. It's time to sit down and create a systemized approach to reaching that goal --- it's called an Action Plan and here's what you'll need to get started:

1. Determine exactly what it is you want to accomplish - Vague goals don't get you very far. I want to travel is too general. Of course you want to travel, but where do you want to go and when. Tell me how: I will travel to New York for my birthday in February is more specific.

2. Determine what you need - To travel to New York you'll need some money, maybe some time off, an airline ticket, a place to stay, etc. When you determine what you need, you'll have some of your steps and sometimes you'll have a new goal.

3. Determine who's involved and who's responsible - If your goal only involved you, that makes it easy (or sometimes more difficult), but it means that the ball is completely in your control.

Here's a portion of the Action Plan we used to finish our book.
We had three specific goals that we were trying to achieve. First and foremost was finishing the book so this is the example I'll share. In this case, I used an order system (you don't necessarily have to have this but in some cases it's useful to help you prioritize tasks). You can just write your steps in order, but sometimes you initially know what it is you need to do and you have to come back to see what should be done 1st, 2nd, and so on. Our own Action Plan was broken down into a nicely done chart, but that's not really necessary. The main thing is to develop the plan and to do it.

Goal: Finish Book by February 15th
(1) Review book as it relates to theme (Dec. 31/ Both)
(2) Address unanswered questions (Jan 12/ Both)
(3) Complete introduction and forward (Dec.28/Both)
(4) Add challenges/barriers (Jan. 8/ Both)
(5) Add appendix items (Jan.12/ Both)
(6) Obtain copyright and ISBN# (Feb. 1st/ Me)
(7) Research Trademark (Dec. 29 / Me and L)
(8) Put book in electronic format (Feb. 1 / Outsource)
(9) Get book edited (Jan. 18th/ Outsource)

Once you have outlined all your goals and steps, you can go back and break your assignments down into monthly, weekly, and daily steps. No more confusion about what needs to be done. Just take out your action plan and go to work!

If you need help getting started, order a copy of the 90-Day Action Plan Toolkit []

Developing Your 90-Day Action Plan

Friday, April 13, 2012

Slimming Clothing - 10 Ways to Look Thinner

When you think of the clothes that can make you look slimmer, do you automatically think "black"? While it is true black can minimize bulges and make your silhouette appear longer, it is not your only slimming option. These guidelines will help you find the right shades, cuts, and styles for a trimmer-looking you.

A Single Color


By sticking to one color, you can effectively minimize those bulges. Dark colors, as we've discussed are most flattering but during the warmer months you can mimic the effect by dressing head-to-toe in one light color, including white.


Purchase items that fit you well regardless of the size on the tag. You can appear pounds thinner by wearing slightly looser clothing that hangs well and skims right over those bumps.

Lined Clothing

Clothing with a lining will not hug you in the unflattering way that unlined fabrics can. Lined clothing can also keep you looking fresh and crisp even on the hottest of days.


A-line skirts can be a godsend for a few reasons. Not only do they minimize your bottom but they don't cling to your curves. And with a good boot, thick calves and heavy thighs can be disguised all at once.

Hipster Jeans

The hipster jean can create the illusion of smaller hips and with a boot cut bottom, make your legs look longer and slimmer. Be aware however of the proverbial "muffin top". Wear a longer, loose-fitting shirt to hide an overhanging mid-section.


Always choose a heel, even a low one. Not only will you add length and appear thinner, but you will be more aware of your posture and carry yourself in a flattering way.

Textured Fabrics

Fabrics that are textured like linen, wool, or even "crinkle" fabrics can distract the eye from bumps and bulges.

Neck Type

Disguise a large bust with flattering v-neck or scoop-neck tops. Halter tops and boat-necks can make you look bulky.

Pant Length

When buying or hemming pants, always go for the longer look. Hems that skim the tip of your shoe immediately draw the eye down creating the illusion of a longer, leaner leg. Avoid a tapered leg, pedal pushers, and clam diggers as they tend to make your thighs appear bigger and your legs look shorter.


The right undergarments can also take the pounds off. Get fitted for the correct bra that will uplift and flatten in the right places. Avoid seams, puckering, and extra flesh bulging out of the cups.

Slimming Clothing - 10 Ways to Look Thinner

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hijab - Islamic Clothing for Women

Hijab primarily refers to head covering, veil or modest religious dressing used by Muslim women. Hijab is an Arabic word which means a cover or a curtain. In present times the term refers to an article of clothing used by women. The Quran has used this word to refer to a dividing curtain that provides privacy. The Holy Book instructed Muslims to address the wives of the Holy Prophet (SAW) from behind a hijab, hence giving the term the status of a curtain or a divider. The concept of hijab as an article of clothing developed later through fiqh and hadith.

The Quran has used other words synonymous to hijab such askhimar andjilbab. Muslim women must not reveal their beauty in public and must dress up modestly. According to the Quran they must "draw their khimar over their bosoms" and keep themselves covered. The concept of wearing hijab however, has evolved with time, and its importance, style and use varies according to the cultural variations in different parts of the world. In some parts of the world hijab retains its religious importance while in others people have restricted the practice of wearing hijab to a few selected situations. For instance, Hijab is strictly required for women in public in Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, in Turkey and France it is banned in educational institutions.


Muslim women must wear loose dresses that cover their body completely so that they do not draw sexual attention. They must cover their heads with a scarf, khimar or shaylah. Many scholars differ on how much of the clothing is required to fulfill the needs of hijab. Some agree at covering all parts of the body including face, hands and feet, others allow women to expose their face and hands while keeping the rest of the body covered. The laws for hijab are flexible for young girls as in many regions they must practice wearing it from puberty onwards.

There are different styles of hijab. Differences mainly are due to the differences of region and culture. Muslim women in the subcontinent, India and Pakistan, wear Burqa which is a two piece veil consisting of a head covering and a gown. Burqa is primarily black in colour but women use other colours to suit their taste and style. Women in that region also wear Niqaab - a veil covering head and face and falls down to bosom. Another kind of hijab is Abaya - an outer garment that covers women from head to toe and is usually made from black caftan. Abaya worn in the Persian Gulf region and the Middle East is often embroidered and bedazzled. Another two piece veil for women is Bushiyya - a well-fitting cap prepared from cotton with a tube-like scarf. Bukhnuk is another veil which is shaped like a raincoat but falls down to the bosom only. Its edges are often embroidered to look beautiful. Afghan Burqa covers women from head to toe and has a grille over the face to help women look through. Iranian traditional hijab is Chador - a large semicircle of full-length fabric to cover women from head to toe.

Like women, men are also advised to dress up modestly and keep their heads covered. Muslim men cover their heads with scarves or turbans. Kuffiyya or Ghutra is one such checkered head scarf. Taqiyah a crochet cap is also worn by many Arab men.

Modern trends have changed the approach of many men and women towards Hijab. Men dress up modestly and a majority of them refrain from covering their heads except for prayer times. Many women have taken up more trendy ways of observing hijab. Some do not wear traditional robes but cover just their head and face with nicely printed Shayla or scarf, others enjoy wearing embroidered and beautifully designed Abaya to the traditional black robe.

Hijab - Islamic Clothing for Women

Thursday, April 5, 2012

First Date Ideas - What to Wear on a First Date

So he finally asked you out, your first date is almost here, and you want to impress. And there's that old saying, first impressions are everything. So what do you wear?

There aren't any real hard and fast rules to follow when choosing clothing for a first date. The most important thing of all is to be able to enjoy yourself. However, there are a few tips you can follow when it comes to what to wear on a first date to avoid fateful mistakes.


Plan out what you're going to wear well in advance so that you don't arrive on your first date a stressed out mess from three hours of trying on different outfits. And try to find out where you're going before choosing your clothes. You don't want to be wearing a T-shirt when you're heading out to a ritzy restaurant, and you also don't want to be in your best dress if dinner is going to be at a fast food joint. If you can find out ahead of time where the date is going to be, you can decide how you want to dress. If it's going to be a surprise, ask your date what he is wearing in order to give you useful clues as to the location.

What will you be ordering for dinner? If the plan is to eat something such as spaghetti and meatballs, wearing white on your first date may not be a great idea. If you aren't comfortable asking ahead of time where you'll be eating, wear something other than white to be safe. White is also a risky color for those without tanned skin. White also tends to make yellowing teeth look even worse, so keep this in mind if your teeth aren't nice and white.

It's important to think about flexibility. Is there any possibility you may be walking any distance? Is there a chance you'll go to a club and be dancing? Give some thought to your footwear. You don't want to appear to be high maintenance by wearing the wrong shoes and having to make a pit stop at your home for something different. And first dates are definitely not the time to break in a new pair of shoes.

Unless you know your date very well and are familiar with his likes or dislikes in attire, you may want to start off conservative. An extremely short skirt or a low-cut blouse may give off the wrong vibe. If the first date turns into a second or a third, maybe by that time you'll have a feel for whether or not something a little tighter or a little skimpier would be acceptable. Going braless is definitely a no-no. The idea is to be subtly sexy. Wear a complimentary outfit that will blow his socks off.

It's important to wear something comfortable. A woman who constantly tugs at her skirt or repeatedly adjusts her blouse gives the impression that she's uncomfortable and lacks confidence. You don't want to appear nervous when you're not.

To get things started off on the right track, try these helpful first date ideas and maybe your first date will turn into something much more. Good luck!

First Date Ideas - What to Wear on a First Date

Monday, April 2, 2012

Vaginal Rash & Genital Warts Differences - Does Your Red, Itchy Sore Vagina Cause You Pain Also?

Is having a red rash in the vicinity of the genitals, or particularly the vagina a serious issue? In a manner of speaking, no, a vaginal rash is no different than having a rash on your face or on other body parts. Nevertheless depending on the cause of why the rash has developed could then determine seriousness. In saying this still not a time to worry till you have had your vaginal rash checked out by your doctor.

What is the difference between a vaginal rash or face rash? Simply answered, we find more women will go and seek medical advice for a facial rash before that of seeking treatment for a rash round their vagina. The primary reason why this is - is because they are embarrassed. Listen ladies the vagina is just another part of the body that a doctor will treat in great numbers on a daily basis. Your vagina is no different to any other woman`s that your GP will see. You will be doing yourself a favor to stop blushing and have yourself checked over.


A vaginal rash can affect both women and men, not vaginal for the male, but genital. We are dealing with tender and delicate skin with this issue, so it is best to treat your rash in the way you would that of facial skin (tenderly) unless suggested otherwise by your GP. A vaginal rash that has developed is not usually diagnosed as a serious issue and is more times easily and quickly rid after using appropriate treatments.

If the rash has occurred through infection then this is different matter altogether, as it will need medical attention. Infections left untreated can turn nasty, and should it be a venereal disease, even nastier. Particular VDs can cause serious health complications, even death. If you're 100% sure that your vaginal rash has not erupted from allergic reaction or from profuse sweating, or genital skin rubbing caused by tight garments, then more the reason to talk to your GP. Vaginal infections come varied but the more types known to cause a vaginal rash are:

Yeast infections
Genital warts

We connect a vaginal rash more towards a yeast infection which comes about if fungus Candida is permitted to reproduce around the vagina.

Unfortunately the importance of wearing loose clothing round the genitals although pointed out on high scale as to be a major cause of vaginal rash is oft times ignored; women tend to still tighten their knickers round their crotch. Tight clothes smother the vagina, yes smother, the vagina and surrounding areas need space to breathe. When you sweat, tight cloth restricts it being absorbed to leave the genitals cool and dry, resulting in it doing the complete opposite and creates a warm moist site for yeast fungi to grow.

A regular time we see the vaginal rash happen is round the time of your periods. If you use tampons or sanitary towels and they are not removed or changed regular then a vaginal rash can occur. Your toilet habits may need changing too. Old habits die hard but where your health is concerned they need to be deadened pronto and new habits practiced. When you use the loo for bowel movement you need to clean from the vagina towards the anus. Clean thoroughly after weeing, not only because stale pee can be smelly but because the acidic effect in urine can cause irritation and skin rawness. This makes sense as you only have to think babies and nappy rash. Drying the genital area after washing is vitally important to prevent vaginal rash.

Rashes are common symptoms related to STDs (genital warts or herpes.) If you already have a rash round the vagina, try adding salt and vinegar to bath water. If you shower then do this using a basin and apply the solution by hand. Yeast infection is widely found in the armpits and between the toes as well as other body parts. Yeast fungus namely Candida can also infect the mouth, fingers, skin and throat. Candida albicans has been determined for the cause of vaginitis in some cases.

Symptoms of a yeast infection may include

Stinging when weeing
sexual intercourse discomfort
vaginal odor (not unpleasant)
Vulva/vagina itchiness
Pain urinating
Redness and swelling

Home treatments for particular vaginal infections may include nonprescription vaginal creams or suppositories. Fluconazole (Diflucan) tablets are effective for vaginal yeast infections, however can only be got via prescription.

Genital herpes cannot be ruled out if you have vaginal rash. It is a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It is sexually transmitted and is recognized through blisters and sores. HSV even though treated stays dormant in the body for life. Genital herpes cannot be rid completely.

Genital warts another condition affecting both men and women. They are caused by various types of human papillomavirus. HPV commonly affects the cervix, vagina, vulva, and anus. In men the penis is affected, the scrotum and anus. Main symptoms of genital warts are lumps which appear pinkish/white in color, or they can be larger and shaped like a cauliflower. To help keep vaginal infections away there are many things you can do and one of those is to turn to yogurt, yes you heard right, yogurt.

1 Replace sugar with yogurt. Yogurt contains good bacteria called acidophilus. Sugar promotes the type of bacteria that the yogurt bacteria attempt to destroy.

2 Infections can come about from sweat and oil build up, and by just merely bathing regular and keeping vaginal hygiene at its best can prevent sweat and body oils causing you problems. Do not douche as it is too harsh of a cleansing process, Douching may well remove bad bacteria, but at the same time takes good bacteria too. Inflammation is drawn to douching (vaginitis). Use a clean cloth and unscented soap to wash the inside of your vagina.

3 Using condoms helps keep the vagina clean and also protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

4 Wear cotton garments around the genitals.

5 Remove tampons at the time of menstruation regular. Aside from smell leaving tampons or forgetting about them can cause toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock syndrome symptoms include rapid high fever, faintness, and loose diarrhea, headache, and muscle pain, however not a common condition, but one that has to be taken very seriously if it were to occur.

6 Soap can cause vaginal dryness. Warm water is enough to stay clean and fresh.

Personal hygiene is a beneficial feature that the body needs to stay in a healthy condition. A vaginal rash can cause discomfort if clothing comes in close contact with the infected area because the skin is sore and tender, and in some cases of severe vaginal rash it can appear red and angry looking.

If you don't get your vaginal rash examined by a doctor, and make the decision to treat the problem yourself with over-the-counter medications or natural remedies, you should be aware that potential problems can happen from this. You need certainty of your health issue because while you may treating a yeast infection, in reality your vaginal rash may be as a result of something else, so therefore a correct diagnosis will keep you safe.

Vaginal Rash & Genital Warts Differences - Does Your Red, Itchy Sore Vagina Cause You Pain Also?


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